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About Us

BFMU Mission Statement:

Breastfeeding Mothers Unite’s mission is to strengthen families and bring together communities through the support, empowerment and advocacy of mothers doing what is right and natural for their children; as well as increasing awareness and providing education to the outside community.


BFMU Service:

Provide education and support to breastfeeding mothers and their surrounding communities.


BFMU Slogan:

Breastfeeding because we don’t just love our children, we fell in love.



Women ages 18-35
Companies that hire women ages 18-35
Businesses that cater to women ages 18-35
The communities where women ages 18-35 live

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Company Goals:

1. Increase understanding of the risks brought on by harassment of Breastfeeding Mothers.
2. Increase understanding of the risks that impact women’s health.
3. Increase understanding of the risks of not Breastfeeding infants/children.
4. Empower women to promote their health through education, prenatal care and good nutrition.
5. Promote understanding on the communities’ (this includes men) integral role in the pregnancy, infant care and family health and wellbeing.
6. Provide information and education to service providers and community organizers.
7. Provide understanding to the importance of women being seen Breastfeeding in public.
8. Advocate for stronger laws to protect women who breastfeed in public.

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& faith



BFMU Members:

Afrykayn Moon – President
Robert Lewis Robinson II – Secretary
Angie Howard – Treasurer


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